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About Linda Crear and Good Grief

Linda is an author and artist who lives in Fort Worth, Texas. She has experienced a great deal of loss in her life: from the suicide of her grandson in 2013 to the sudden death of her husband in 2015. Writing and painting have been her salvation. She created the blog spot "Good Grief" as a way to understand and cope with the loss of her grandson and has expanded it to try and help others.
Linda recently published a book on the subject of healing from the depths of grief, Taming the Dragon: Dealing with Grief. It is currently being used as a guide for the new grief support group in Fort Worth. In an attempt to reach her fellow travelers on the journey through the darkness, she has decided to develop Good Grief as a formal endeavor.
Linda's background in the mental health field, as well as personal discoveries, has equipped her with some insights in the coping and healing process.  Below is a list of services offered. And check the blog page for more sharing. If you have questions or comments feel free to contact her.
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